Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Journey to Zambia--More Inspiration

These are the babies in Eric's House. I will be staying in Eric's House while in Zambia.

Angie Thomas and I were talking about the trip last night at our church’s Wednesday night supper and she told me that we will need to take skirts to wear. I don’t usually wear skirts—I wear jeans, jeans, jeans. She said that we could wear a cloth wrap around our jeans or pants while we were in the orphanage compound in Zambia. It will be interesting to see how this works out! I will be out looking for comfortable skirts over the next few weeks.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Journey to Zambia--The Passport Arrives

I have received my passport. I look like a deer in the headlights. Oh well, it looks better than my driver's license.

The next step in this journey is to get my vaccinations. Since I was five years old at the time of my last vaccination, I will have a lot of shots to take. The immunizations that I will need include: yellow fever, typhoid, hepatitis, tetanus, influenza, prescription for malaria pills and what ever else the CDC recommends. The cost will be about $500.00. I plan to get them next week.

Monday, March 09, 2009

My Journey to Zambia--The Inspiration

These adorable babies are my inspiration.

This is a picture of the babies in their new sleepers and blankets made by the ladies sewing group at the Smith Springs church.

Since it can take up to 8 months for the blankets and supplies to reach Zambia, we will be taking new quilts made by the sewing group with us on our trip.

I can't wait to get to rock the babies.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

My Journey to Zambia--The doubts and God's Answer

Sometimes we have doubts about our goals. This week I began to question if going on this trip to Zambia was what God had in mind for me. Let just face it, the cost alone is overwhelming. Then there is getting the immunizations and the probability of getting sick while on the trip. I was having doubts, lots of doubts. None of my paintings were selling; I thought maybe this was just God’s way of letting me know that the trip wasn’t for me.

So I took my doubts to God in prayer. I usually have private time with God while I am walking the dog. While walking Noel, I had a conversation with God and told him about my concerns and my need for him to somehow let me know what his will for me was in this matter. I find it hard sometimes to know what God wants me to do with my life, so I just asked that if there was a way for him to let me know, I would be grateful.

After the walk I checked my email messages, to my delight I found that someone was interested in purchasing one of the paintings! It was listed in my eBay store. It was one of only two I had listed there. It would have taken someone a long time of searching through the huge amount of listings on eBay to find this painting. I am so overwhelmed and just a little bit frightened. God answered my prayer!

Now I know that with God’s help, I’m going to Zambia!!!